Tuesday, August 31, 2010

another email....

well..i get up way to early in the morning^^ then we work out...to lose the fatt gained at the MTC, then study...10till 12 contacting..LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!! then whatever till 8 or 9 then DINNER then planning and then SLEEPING....
that`s my life in a nutshell...
it realy depends on the people...some are realy nice...others can be realy rude...and some are crazy and think we want to sell something.....most of them just theink that we`re jehova people....and that sux.... oh well..it still wokrs to talk to people sometimes.. we jsut do our best and it usualy wokrs out just fine :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


here's the letter from elder DeMolder, apparently he's having a hard time with the French keyboard :D

yeah!! I,m trying to write with this retarted french keyboard cause i,m in STRASBOURG!!!!!!!! it,s so wierd cause I,m way close to home^^ but that's ok^^
my trainer is way cool..his name is elder roberts..he's fro, utah...it's crazy here...It's reqly different then whqt I thought it would be..but that seems to be hqppening alot lately^^
I hope you're alright I' doing greqt living it up out in the fields^^ and by living it up I mean work work work...
I love you
elder mike

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Dear Parents,

Elder de Molder has been assigned a wonderful trainer/ companion -- Elder Kevin Roberts. He comes from Spanish Fork, Utah, in the United States. They are serving in Strasbourg, France. Their address is:

Les Missionnaires

Elder de Molder

6, rue Munch

F-67000 Strasbourg


We are grateful to have your son in our mission! See the attachments for a picture of him alone and another with his companion.

Warmest Regards,

Sister Doyle, secretary Switzerland Geneva Mission

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Leaving the MTC

Dear Parents,

Yes, Elder DeMolder arrived safely in Geneva this morning. He and his group of three have been joined by a group of four from the MTC in Spain. They have had pictures taken, had some training, had lunch and more training. They will have individual interviews with President Murdock later today and in the morning they will be assigned a companion and a city. I will write again when that information is known. Please see today’s photos in the attachments.

Have a great day!

Sister Doyle, secretary Switzerland Geneva Mission

Monday, August 16, 2010

Madrid Pictures!

Here are some pictures, that we got from the mission president!!!!

Looks like they aren't starving!!!!

Not sure what to say about this one....

new address

alright so tomorrow Michael leaves for Geneva so if you want to send him treats or letters, you should send it to the mission home and the mission president will make sure that he gets it:

Elder DeMolder
Switzerland Geneva Mission
8, Chemin William Barbey
CH - 1292 Chambesy (GE)

Letter from Elder DeMolder

Got this one this morning....

i can't wait to leave the MTC...it was way cool here....but I feel realy usless cause i don't realy speak spanish all that well^^
our classes were chilled....we had 5 hours of class....and 2hours of study and 1 hour of sport a day...the rest of the time was eating....^^
I had my farewell interview with our MTC pres...and he said that I've been well prepared to become a leader...both during my mission and latter on in my life.....greatOo' more work for poor michael....but that's life....
I hope that you're doing alright....
next email won't be coming from spain!!^^

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pictures from the MTC

Here are the first pictures from the MTC, enjoy!!!!

The French speaking group

Yes this is the entire MTC, small, but great!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our first letter from Elder DeMolder

Here's the first letter that we got from him...

Today was a good day sofar....we went to the temple at 7:30....
it´s really hard getting up that early in the morning....6:30.....I hate it...but that´s life^^
I have 2 companions....elder plante....a skinny french boy....always late.... shy.... and ashley would die if she´d see his eyebrows...:p
that other one is from tahiti and called elder tehaai...he´s a rugby player and he played for highland....you know...like in for ever strong....^^ he´s a mashine.....holy cow..

I got to do some contacting in the park on saturday....and we spoke to a dude with a guitar..(the guitar wasn´t the reason I spoke to him) and I ended up teaching him the guitar...then we spoke about the church for about an hour....turns out..he´s from bolivia....and he was very interested...he gave us his number and adress....we even prayed together at the end....now...we did all of that in spannish......and none of us even speak it.....so..what happened? (I´ll let you answer that)
love you all